

What are the cookies?

A cookie is a file created by a website to store information on your computer, such as your preferences for that website, your preferred language or location.
In some web browsers, each cookie is a small, text-type file, while on other browsers, all cookies are stored in a single file.

When you visit a website that uses cookies, the website may ask your browser to place one or more cookies.
Later, when you return to the website, the browser sends the cookies that belong to it. This allows the website to offer you the opportunity to customize the information displayed to better suit your needs.

Cookies can also store personal identification information. This information can be used to identify or contact you and may contain your name, e-mail address, home or work address, phone number or any other data you have provided to the website. However, a website can only access personal information that you provide.
For example, a website cannot find out your email address unless you provide it. Also, a website cannot access other information from your computer.

What cookies are we using?

Essential cookies

These cookies are necessary both for browsing in good conditions on this website and for the correct functioning of all the functions available to both unregistered visitors and users with a created account.
All other cookies depend on these cookies, for which they are indispensable.

cookiesThe visitor's agreement regarding the use of cookies.
vhashInternal unique identifier of each visitor.

Cookies for preferences

Cookies for preferences contain the settings made by the user on the various functionalities of the site.

langThis cookie remembers the website's display language

Cookies for statistics

Cookies for statistics help the site administration to better understand the interaction of visitors with the site and to collect information and statistics about the visitors of this site.
These cookies are set by third-party platforms such as Google Analytics.

_gaUnique identification code used by Google Analytics to generate statistics on the behavior of visitors to the website.
_gidUnique identification code used by Google Analytics to generate statistics on the behavior of visitors to the website.

User cookies

User-specific cookies are applied only to registered visitors and help to keep them authenticated on the site.
These cookies are automatically deleted once the user logs out of the site.

uidUser unique identifier ID
uhashUser unique identifier code
urReference used to maintain the user logged in after browser restart